"Here, perhaps, is the true litany of saints; these are the names that should adorn our calendars, with those that gave new beauty to the world, or counseled it to gentler humanity... but no list could exhaust the treasure of man's heritage or equal its infinite variety.... let us have many lists and many heroes we cannot honor them too much , or commemorate them excessively."—Will Durant
Comments (3)
Shan Dao
5 years ago
Never mind studying contemporaries and those who strive with you; study the great men of the past whose works have maintained their value and stature for centuries.
Shan Dao
5 years ago
"The world is only beginning to see that the wealth of a nation consists more than in anything else the number of superior men that it harbors... Geniuses are ferments; and when they come together, the whole population seems to share in the higher energy which they awaken. The effects are incalculable and often not easy to trace in detail, but they are pervasive and momentous."—William James
4 years ago
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