Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Showing 41-60 of 14,099 items.
Rinzai GigenZen Teachings of Rinzai (Record of Rinzai), Irmgard Schloegl translation 1976

The more you seek the Buddha and the Dharma, the further away they become.

Rinzai GigenZen Teachings of Rinzai (Record of Rinzai), Irmgard Schloegl translation 1976

Gain and loss, yes and no - throw them away in one go.

Rinzai GigenZen Teachings of Rinzai (Record of Rinzai), Irmgard Schloegl translation 1976

There is no buddha, no dharma, no training and no realization - what are you so hotly chasing?

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

The foolish reject what they see and not what they think; the wise reject what they think and not what they see.

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

People either neglect the root and focus on the branches or neglect the reality of the branches and focus only on realization.

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

Chase it and it always eludes you; run from it and it is always there.

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

When you are neither attached to, nor detached from your senses and thoughts, then you enjoy your perfect unobstructed freedom, then you have your seat of enlightenment.

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

Consider the sunlight. Follow it and, behold, it escapes you; run from it and it follows you close. You can neither possess it nor have done with it. From this example you can understand how it is with the true Nature of all things and, henceforth, there will be no need to grieve or to worry about such things.

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

Above, below, and around you, all is spontaneously existing, for there is nowhere which is outside the Buddha-Mind.

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

the real Buddha has no mouth and preaches no Dharma... real hearing requires no ears

Huangbo XiyunZen Teachings of Huang Po on the Transmission of Mind, John Blofeld translation

Your true nature is something never lost to you even in moments of delusion, nor is it gained at the moment of Enlightenment.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's MindOnly when you give up everything can you see a true teacher. Even the name of Buddhism is already a dirty spot on our practice. It is not teaching. The character and effort of our teachers is our teaching.
Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Whenever Dogen-zenji dipped water from the river, he used only half a dipperful, returning the rest to the river again… when we are one with the water, we intuitively do it in Dogen’s way.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

The true purpose of Zen is to see things as they are and to let everything go as it goes.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

The best way to control people is to encourage them to be mischievous.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

To give your sheep or cow a large, spacious meadow is the way to control him.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Try not to achieve anything special. You already have everything in your own pure quality.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

The true wisdom of life is that in each step of the way, the other shore is actually reached.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

We should forget, day by day, what we have done; this is true non-attachment. And we should do something new.

Shunryu Suzuki RoshiZen Mind, Beginner's Mind

If we are aware that what we do or what we create is really the gift of the 'big I,' we will not create problems for ourselves or for others.