Tao Te Ching

The Power of Goodness, the Wisdom Beyond Words
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Art of Worldly Wisdom
Chapter 127

Peter Hermes Furian

Most people act out roles based on the desired impression they would like to make. Lies almost always come first but most of us immediately believe and accept the superficial and distorted as the truth it almost never matches. That leads to bad choices, unexpected pitfalls, and often disastrous results. Instead, stop being so easily convinced, believing and liking so easily. Suspend judgment, question first impressions, look under the surface. But do this discretely; don't let your suspension of belief cause insult by implying that your source is either a cheat or has been cheated. And too much disbelief is an indication of a liar who never believes and should also never be believed. A similar dynamic plays out with being impressed by, loving and liking people. Lies come from actions and objects as well as words.



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